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December 30th 2022

I have severe food allergies to peanuts and treenuts.
So severe to the point that if I have an allergic reaction and don’t do anything about it, I could die.

Two weeks ago today I had my first allergic reaction, first time using my Epi-pen, and first visit to the ER.
I went 11 years without ever having any of these things happen. We were well prepared and knew what to do: Epi and rush to the ER.

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Twisted | Chapter Four, The Witch In Town

The next morning, Krimsyn didn’t wake up oh-so peacefully like normal. Of course she expected one of the girls in her house to be spooked awake by the tea kettle fixing tea on its own, but she for certain did not expect to hear a knock on the door.

‘Maybe one of the girls accidentally locked themselves outside’ She thought, slipping out of bed.

She walked through her kitchen in her striped knitted sweater, leggings, and bunny slippers, past the independent tea kettle she had grown fond of.

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Twisted | Chapter Three, The Enemy

Aqua and Amelia awoke in a snowy valley, outside a small log cabin, cozy yet mysterious, it looked. Overgrown vines covering all four sides, the dark wood just peaking through at some spots. As comforting and warm as the smoke coming from within the chimney looked, Amelia still had her usual stern expression.
Krimsyn was gone.

Aqua merely quirked an eyebrow and huffed, turning from the cabin to observe the rest of their surroundings.

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Twisted | Chapter Two, Finding Amelia

Say, let’s switch perspectives, shall we?
Let’s go see Amelia.

This girl, around the mere age of seventeen, was living in Sawberry, a small town off The Green River.
See.. Sawberry was far from your average town. Sure, there were the typical shops, restaurants, fishing docks, and apartment complexes with a few cottages, but it wasn’t the buildings that lay inside the town. It was the people. These people called themselves Naturels.
These people had magic. Rare, long-gone-from-the-human-eye magic. They had the ability to grow beautiful vines, bushes, and any flowers imaginable.
The Green River is what powered these peoples magic, or should I say its crystals. It had glowing green crystals at the bottom, a far ways down.

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Twisted | Chapter One, Captured

It was a normal day aboard The Gem of The Deep, a tall brunettes ship. See, she wasn’t an ordinary girl, she was a fiery, ruthless pirate who would do anything to survive.
Though, she wasn’t always so harsh, even being a pirate and being raised by pirates, as a child she was very bright and happy. Not to say she wasn’t happy now, it’s just not the adjective of choice.

I would instead use the word “okay.” Like I said earlier, she did what she must to survive, even if her choices weren’t so heroic. Though really, she wasn’t a bad person, I’d rather say confused with herself…. still… finding herself.

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