Aqua and Amelia awoke in a snowy valley, outside a small log cabin, cozy yet mysterious, it looked. Overgrown vines covering all four sides, the dark wood just peaking through at some spots. As comforting and warm as the smoke coming from within the chimney looked, Amelia still had her usual stern expression.
Krimsyn was gone.

Aqua merely quirked an eyebrow and huffed, turning from the cabin to observe the rest of their surroundings.

“Great, looks like our tour guide ditched us,” said the younger.

Aqua glared at her, “I bet she’s in the house, idiot.”

“I’m not an idiot.”

“Yeah, you are.”

Finally the front door swung open, “You’re both idiots, actually.” As Krimsyn made her appearance, the two others swung their heads toward her.

“You left us out in the cold?!” Amelia yelled, marching over towards the door, pushing her way past the short red-head, Aqua close behind.

The sisters gasped at the small cottage. Sure, it was small, but surprising cozy and… cute.. seems to be an appropriate word. Some of the ivy vines from the outside had seemingly made their way inside, but it suited the house nicely.
There was a small sofa that could seat about two, an armchair with a knitted throw draped over the back, a wooden coffee table in front of the fireplace, and a wall made of a bookshelf which seemed to hold hundreds of books.

There were two rooms on either side of the kitchen, that of which was neat, with dark wooden cabinets, brown wood counter tops, and a small island to match. Fittingly, a small yellow pot was on the stove with a tea kettle placed next to it, there were some dishes, all seemingly made by hand with clay and paint.

“Ya like it?” Krimsyn said happily, twirling through the entry way and toward to armchair. “One of you can take the couch, and the other can have the spare room.”

“Yeah… alright,” the pirate piped up, sitting down on the coach, still gawking at the quaint little home.

Amelia simply nodded, sitting on the cushion placed by the low coffee table.


A little time had passed, say about an hour or two. The stars had taken over the sky in the valley, as the evening was drawing to a close.

Krimsyn had made some tea for her guests, while all the girls chatted, occasionally laughing at one of Aqua’s awful jokes.

“Wait, why did you bring us here in the first place?” Amelia said with her nose scrunched slightly, it was a habit she got into when she got skeptical.

Krimsyn tilted her head, and spoke in her usual calm, soft voice, “Well, to wait, of course.”

Aqua and Amelia exchanged looks.

“Wait for what?”

Krimsyn took a sip of her tea, setting the cup down on the table in front of her, “The enemy.”