Say, let’s switch perspectives, shall we?
Let’s go see Amelia.

This girl, around the mere age of seventeen, was living in Sawberry, a small town off The Green River.
See.. Sawberry was far from your average town. Sure, there were the typical shops, restaurants, fishing docks, and apartment complexes with a few cottages, but it wasn’t the buildings that lay inside the town. It was the people. These people called themselves Naturels.
These people had magic. Rare, long-gone-from-the-human-eye magic. They had the ability to grow beautiful vines, bushes, and any flowers imaginable.
The Green River is what powered these peoples magic, or should I say its crystals. It had glowing green crystals at the bottom, a far ways down.

They weren’t always trapped inside Sawberry. After The Elemental War, however, with Firens beating both Naturels and Waterlings, both were forced into hiding. However, neither the Firens nor Waterlings knew about The River, say they had, and the Naturels would have been gone forever.
Everyone thought they had gone extinct, the War being over 200 years ago. However, it was forgotten that The Element-Elves (Firens, Waterlings, and Naturels) lived for around 800-1000 years.

But, back to our girl. Amelia. Yes, she was a Naturel, just not a usual one.
She wasn’t weak with her magic, she had mastered it well for only being 17. But the vines she grew.. were a dull grey with no flowers in sight. Her vines were never dead, just grey. Same with any other plants that were usually a bright green with blossoming flowers. Always grey.

I suppose you could say it matched her personality. She was a relatively dull girl. She wore a navy blue tank top, black shorts, black boots, and an oversized grey jacket.
She rarely talked to people, besides the elders. All the other 17 year olds just shot nasty looks her way, she never knew why. She wasn’t anti-social per-say, she just.. didn’t know how to talk to people, and whenever she did, she seemed to scare them.
Like one time, a little boy came up to her and showed her a small dandelion he had grown. She said, “You better put that in some soil and water before it dies.” He ran away fearfully at her monotone voice. ‘I did it again…’ she thought to herself, sighing.

She now sat sadly at a picnic table, mindlessly munching at a lettuce and spinach sandwich.
Her head whips around when she feels a tap on her shoulder. She squints her eyes at the short, red haired girl standing behind her, hardly noticing the taller, brunette pirate.

“Can I help you?” She says bluntly while standing up.

Krimsyn tilts her head, “I believe so, indeed, Amelia..”

Amelia whips around fully, her eyes turning a threatening, glowing green, “How do you know my name?!”

The brunette chuckles and mutters, “I said the same.”

“Well, I’m Krimsyn, and I know everything. This is Aqua, she knows nothing,” Krimsyns light, eerie voice pipes up, her mouth still twisted into her usual ominous smile.
Amelia looks back and forth between the two as Aqua rolls her eyes.

“How did you two get in here-“

“I teleported us in.”

Amelia tilts her head further at this, “Only full Elementals can teleport-“

“Yes,” Krimsyn’s smile fades. “Connect the dots.”

Amelia steps back hesitantly, “You… y-you aren’t from this part of the realm.. h-how’d you get here?!”

“Oh, please. I’ll explain all this later, seeing as we’ll all be good friends,” Krimsyn says whilst turning on her heel and beginning to march away.

Aqua rolls her eyes, “Highly doubt that..” She follows after the red-head.

Amelia, hesitant, yet intrigued all the while, follows after the two, jogging to catch up. “So, how exactly do you guys know me?”

“Like I said, I know everything. And she,” Krimsyn skips along and points to Aqua. “She’s your step-sister.”


“Yeah, believe me, I’m confused too,” Aqua pipes up, adjusting her pirate hat.

Krimsyn stops outside of town, pretty deep into the woods beyond, and starts twisting the edges of her golden locket as it begins to glow a light shade of purple.
The two others tilt their heads as Krimsyn whispers a singular word that had more power than anything the two girls could imagine.


A purple flash went around the three and everything went black.