My Mom told me that from her daily pics of me on Insta, that you guys want my french toast recipe. Welp, here it is!

I make this stuff like, everyday, and I love it. My dad taught me his recipe last year, but this is my own.

Ingredients: (this version makes 2 pieces but I will have notes on how to make 4-5)

 1 egg

2 pieces bread


Orange juice

Pumpkin pie spice

Vanilla extract

Stove, pan, and butter. Not to mention a spatula-flipper-thingy.

Notes on ingredients: here it is, plain and simple. For the eggs, I use 1 for 2 pieces of toast, and two for 4. With the bread, just do as many pieces as you’re making. DUH. My secret with the rest of the stuff, is that I don’t measure. Period. Ok, let’s get onto it.


1: Get out a small mixing bowl and crack your egg (s) into it. Pour your milk in after make it just cover the top of the egg. Then put a little less orange juice than the milk. Then do about a 1/4 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice (I still don’t really measure that). And pour a little vanilla in. Now, MIX! (You probably want to mix the way you would if you were making scrambled eggs).

2: Turn your stove on low-medium. Then put your pan on, butter the pan, and swish the butter around until it covers the whole inside.

3: Now, time to get your hands dirty (ish). Pick up your first piece of bread and dip the first side in, then flip to the second side. Make sure it covers both sides all the way. Drop our liquid-mix-covered bread into the pan, don’t be surprised if it sizzles. It usually doesn’t sizzle until I’m working on my second piece (that’s when it gets really heated).

4: Cook first side until it’s not mushy anymore. Then flip with your spatula-flipper-thingy. Same on the other side.

Between pieces I also butter the pan because mine always sticks if I don’t.

After my breakfast is cooked, I put everything back in the pantry and ‘fridge while it’s cooling just a bit. Then I’ll get some orange juice and put some maple syrup on my toast and VWALA! We have completed the first french toast class. Congrats.

And of course I gotta remind Mom to get the daily pic 😉

Thanks for reading, be sure to try out my recipe and let me know how it goes!


Syd :)x