Dear friends,

Today, I’m doing nothing much. But all I have planned is swing, school, working on my Halloween costume (post about that soon to come :D), and maybe some studying with friends.

I’ve been feeling a little down lately. I haven’t been able to write as many songs, but always some. Last week I either had some allergies or caught a mild cold, which wasn’t fun considering the fact that it was rather difficult to sing.

I’ve had a craving for mac and cheese lately. Like that GOOD, fancy restaurant mac and cheese. It just sounds gosh-dang-good!

It’s also just been one of those…. bleh months. Not weather wise (it’s been beautiful here recently). I think I’m just a little on edge now because it’s my birthday soon. I’ll be turning twelve, so it’s my last year as an actual “kid.”

I’ll be a teenager, and as overwhelmed as I’ve already been, more responsibility seems impossible. I don’t know how much anxiety comes with being a teenager. I don’t know anything yet because I haven’t experienced it for myself. And in a way, I’m excited for changes. With every bad thing comes a good thing, as I like to believe.

I wish I could freeze time and go back to that four year old at Fashion Week for a second. Just so she could teach me something, something I’ve forgotten. Because I know I’m forgetting something. Maybe that something is to not worry so much. To be myself, not to be scared of losing people, and to just have some dang fun.

Everything that happened when I was little, I’ll always carry that with me (in a good way), but I think it’s time for me to do some new things.

Last year wrecked me, but also helped me. So, so many bad things with a few good things. All I know, is that this year has been great.

New house, new puppy, and new friends. With all that came a new me.

I gained some of that Mayhem back, with all her fru-fru-y-ness and confidence, I feel ready to take on the world. Kind of…. once I get the anxiety thing figured out 😉

But seriously! Look out, ’cause I’m coming in hot (both ways ;P)

