That night, Indi had figured out how to continuously tap in with Max. All she had to do was think about when they first met. Honestly, I’m surprised she hadn’t figured it out sooner.

They talked for a while, which made Indigo go back to that feeling of happiness she had before all the chaos.

Oh, and Max was fine. He ran to his safe hideout where he’s been living for the past year.

Anyway, it was 8:13 a.m. and Indi’s was running out the door, backpack and water bottle in hand. She was ready for school, which caught her mother by surprise.

“BYE MOM!” she calls.

“You’re going?” Lilo questions. When Indi nods, she pushes it. “You sure.”


It was a shocker, like old Indi was back.

But so would Max, Max would be back soon. Very… soon.

Indigo chains her bike to the rack and walks up to the group’s usual spot where they hang out and talk before the bell rings for math.

Cloe, Matty, and Jacksen look at her and smile softly. They didn’t expect her to show up for at least another week. She does her big, “Indi Smile,” as Max would say.

They all exchange looks. The, “Indi Smile” hasn’t been out for a while.

“Hey… whatcha doin’ here?” Matty asks slowly.

Indi looks down and chuckles, “SCHOOL!” What else is this building for? Oh, did they turn it into the towns fish port?!” She laughs. More looks go around.

Her smile drops. “Look, I know, I took the hardest hit. The anniversary, and all that junk,” Indigo rocks back and forth from her heels to her toes. “But… guess what?!”

Cloe shakes her head, “what?”

“I TALKED TO HIM!!!” She might have screamed a little too loud, considering that everyone started looking at them.

“Oh boy.”

“She’s lost it big time.”

Matty just leans his head against the brick building. The bell rings and they all turn and start to go.

“FINE! After lunch, I’ll show you!” Indi calls after running to room #19.

Oh, and they’d be surprised after lunch.

They’d be in for a real treat.