On Wednesday Ginger got fully vaccinated for Parvo.

Yay! We’re all really happy to be able to take her on walks. Today was her first.

She was super happy to explore, run, and play.

It’s all fun and game until the puppy’s paws start to bleed.

Mom noticed blood on her shoe and mentioned how she had never seen that before. We shrugged it off and continued.

The trail is about a mile and a half, that was the first half.

We took two laps around which totals at about two and a half.

When we got home, Ginger ran inside and got a drink. I was heading out to swing and she ran after me.

Then me and Mom noticed a bloody trail from where Ging had walked. We definitely did NOT panic, like, at all….

I picked the 29 pound floof ball up and Mom got a towel wet and we soaked her paws. Both of her back pads were bleeding.

She laid down by her food bowl and snoozed while I went out to swing.

What really amazes me is the fact that the girl walked two and a half miles with bloody paws and I will tell you that she kept on trucking. She did NOT complain or whine or want to go back. She kept going. That’s my lil Gingy <3

She’s super tired and is currently sleeping.

Moxie is getting her fur done at the salon and will hopefully understand Ginger’s current state based off of her own experiences 😉

I have to go to do school now (yes, yes it’s quarter to 1 and I haven’t done school. Judge at your own risk), but have a lovely day everyone.


Syd 🙂

(DISCLAIMER: we did not know Ginger’s paws were bleeding! If we had known we would have picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. Thanks).)