So it’s currently 11:56 p.m. and I’m still awake.

Not to mention super duper bored.

Mom and Dad have already gone off to sleepy land while I’m laying here wide awake.

Do you ever have those nights? You can’t sleep because of all those exciting words floating around up in your brain?

I’ve had so many thoughts swimming around that I can’t even keep my eyes closed for 10 seconds.

Not gonna lie, this might be the last thing I write considering it’s almost midnight, I’m on my computer 3 hours past my “bedtime,” and that Mom will probably read this in the morning.

So yeah.

Dear Mom,

I just closed out a few tabs because I had 3 trillion open, checked a few things on Night Zoo Keeper, and decided to blog this.

So keep your hair on, and don’t kill your rather mischievous daughter.


Syd 🙂

(finished at 12:01 a.m. on 03/12/2021)